Manual, semiautomatic and fully automatic machines for making moulded wafer ice cream cones, cups, double cones, cake cones and imitations of rolled sugar cones of any sizes and dimensions. Click here the catalogue “Moulded wafer cones, cups” to see the most common types but any other design could be made.
These machines allow to produce from few hundredths to several thousandths of pieces per working hour. The cones, cups.. can be engraved with name and / or logo. In our cones catalogue “Moulded wafer cones, cups” are shown some of the most common types but any other design could be made. Just ask our technical office. The moulds have standard dimensions and are interchangeable. Heating can be by electricity (any voltage), natural gas or liquid gas. The control of baking temperatures is automatic. The machines are supplied with all operative instructions including the recipe to make the wafer cones.
Fully automatic machines for the production of ice cream moulded wafer cones and cups of any type, shape and size as well as rolled cone imitation with a high sugar content. Heating can be by electricity (any voltage), natural gas or liquid gas. The capacity is from 1920 to 23040 pieces per hour.
Semi-automatic machines for the production of ice cream moulded wafer cones and cups of any shape. The moulds have standard dimensions and are interchangeable. Heating can be by electricity (any voltage), natural gas or liquid gas. The capacity is from 420 to 2470 pieces per hour.
Semi-automatic machines for the production of ice cream moulded wafer cones and cups of any shape. The moulds have standard dimensions and are interchangeable. Heating can be by electricity (any voltage), natural gas or liquid gas. The capacity is from 1200 to 5500 pieces per hour.
Machines to manufacture any size and shape of ice cream moulded wafer cones, cups.
The best machines for small production and/or samplings.
Heating is electric. Production capacity up to 680 pieces per hour.